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The guava is a tropical fruit from South America and Asia. It is easily recognizable by its rough and greenish skin, which matures to become yellow or pink depending on the variety. The guava has juicy and sweet flesh, which can be white, pink or red depending on the variety. The guava is a source of vitamin C, potassium and dietary fibers. It also contains high levels of vitamins A and B, calcium and iron. You can eat the fresh guava, in slices or in pieces, or consume it in the form of fruit juice, compote or jam. It is also used in many cooking recipes, such as smoothies, cakes and ice cream. Apart from its delicious taste, the guava has many health benefits. Its high content of vitamin C makes it an ideal food to strengthen the immune system and protect against diseases. It is also an excellent source of dietary fiber, making it a healthy choice for digestion.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

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Values per 100 grams

68 Cal
1 G
0 Mg
2 Mg
417 Mg
14 G
2 G
9 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
228 Mg
0 Mg
22 Mg
Food fibers
5 G
18 Mg


How to make a good guava juice ?
To make a good guava juice, mix the fruits, peeled or not, with water and ice cubes. Vary the amount of water depending on the desired degree of dilution. Filter the preparation to remove the seeds. Add lemon juice to bring a little tangy taste.
How to eat guava ?
Peeled and seeded, the guava can taste nature, for dessert or at any time of the day. This fruit is associated with other fruit to prepare a salad. The guava is also consumed in the form of coulis, compose or jelly.
How to choose the guava ?
Choose guava who have a uniform color and do not have stains or bumps. A ripe guava will have a firm texture but will give in slightly under the pressure of your fingers. Avoid fruits that are too soft or too hard. A mature guava will have a pleasant sweet smell. If she doesn't feel anything, it's probably that she is not yet mature.
How to keep the guava ?
To keep the guava, it is recommended to let them mature at room temperature until they are very ripe and soft. Once ripe, you can place them in an airtight container and keep them in the refrigerator. You can also freeze them for subsequent use, but it is best to use them quickly because freezing can affect their taste and texture. It is also possible to keep them by boiling them with sugar to make them a syrup or by preserving them in sterilized jars. Make sure the fruits are clean and dry before storing them, as humidity can rot them more quickly.
How to cook the guava ?
Goyaves can be used to make compotes, juices, sauces, sorbets and ice cream. Here are some recipe ideas: Goyave juice, GOYAVE COMPOT, SORBET AT THE GOYAVE, GOYAVE ice cream.
What are the varieties of the guava ?
There are many varieties of guava, each with different characteristics in terms of taste, texture, size, color and maturity period. Some of the most popular varieties include: Goyave Hawaiian, Goyave Taiwan, Goyave Lady Finger, Goyave White, Goyave Red, Goyave Pink, Goyave Jamaïca, Goyave Peru, Goyave Thai
What dishes go well with the taste of the guava ?
The taste of the guava gets well with desserts, drinks such as smoothies and fruit juices, meat sauces and pastries. Goyaves can also be used to give a sweet and tangy touch to salads and sauces. Drinks such as soft white wine and rosé can harmonize with the taste of guava.
What are the benefits of guava ?
Goyaves are rich in antioxidants, in particular vitamin C, carotenoids and polyphenols, which can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Goyaves can also have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the symptoms of certain chronic diseases, such as arthritis. Goyaves can also help prevent heart disease by lowering poor cholesterol (LDL) and improving blood circulation. Goyaves can also help improve digestion by stimulating the production of gastric juice and facilitating the digestion of fatty food.

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